Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

menulis untuk anak Kidal

Varieties of Left-Handed Writing

How do left-handed people write? Here are some common methods, and some uncommon ones.

First, for comparison purposes, here's a schematic showing how a right-handed person writes:

When a left-handed person tries to write like a right handed person, it doesn't work, because the action of their wrist makes the writing slant the wrong way:

This form of left-handed handwriting is usually called backhand; it's main disadvantage is that it tends to be illegible (since it distorts the letter forms). It also identifies the writer as left-handed, which some people prefer to conceal.

To make their handwriting slant the right way, the majority of left-handed people twist their wrists clockwise, so they're writing from above:

This form of writing, known as crabclaw, leads to smeared ink (or smudged graphite), prevents the writer from seeing what's been written, and is uncomfortable.

In school, left-handed children are sometimes encouraged to turn the paper slightly counter-clockwise, so that they won't have to twist their wrists so far:

A full 90-degree counter-clockwise turn of the paper puts the wrist back in the position analogous to that used by a right-handed person:

(but that's a little too radical for most elementary school teachers).

In a seldom-seen variant, the paper is turned 90 degrees clockwise, like this:

What's remarkable about this form of writing is that it is upside-down from all the others: the stroke away from the body produces a downward stroke on the paper! Because of this inversion, it is the hardest left-handed handwriting to learn (at least, the hardest to learn of those that produce readable writing -- see below for the one which doesn't). In many other respects, however, it is superior to the previous methods.

Leonardo da Vinci was left-handed; he solved the left handed writing problem by simply mirroring what a right-handed person does:

Of course, this produces mirror handwriting, but if you're mainly writing notes (or notebooks) for yourself, that is not such a disadvantage!

Handwriting Tips for Left-Handers

Learning to write may be more difficult for left-handers than for right-handers for a number of reasons. Our culture’s left-to-right progression favors right-handers. It is easier to pull a pen or pencil across a page than to push one. (If you are right-handed, try using your left hand to experience the increased difficulty.) Then, as the left hand moves across the page, it not only covers what has been written, but may smear the ink or pencil marks as well. The spiral binding or rings on a notebook get in the way. Even the desk itself may be a hindrance if the lefty is sitting in the old-fashioned right-handed school desk.

By the time children first come to school, many have already acquired habits, such as the way they hold a pencil, that are counterproductive to good writing. If parents are aware of positive instruction techniques, such habits can be avoided. Parents and teachers, even though acknowledging the importance of recognizing when children are left-handed, should avoid treating them as “different” or as exceptions, but rather treat them as individuals.

Sitting Posture

A child should have a chair that has a flat seat and back. The chair should be at a height that allows the child’s feet to rest flat with the hips, knees, and ankles all at 90-degree angles. This will help the child to have smooth postural adjustments as the writing arm moves across the paper. The desk height should be about two inches above the height of the child’s bent elbows. If the desk is too high, the child’s shoulders will tend to elevate which can restrict freedom of movement and make it difficult for a lefty to see his/her work. If the desk is too low, the child may tend to slouch over the desk or lean on the nondominant arm for support.

Type of Pencil and Pencil Grasp

Correct pencil grip for left-hander

Have the child use a hard lead pencil, such as a Number 3 instead of a Number 2, so that it will not smear easily. Primary or oversized pencils are not necessarily better for the left-handed child. In fact, the larger size may actually impede some children with small hands.

In grasping the pencil, the forearm should rest on the writing surface in a neutral position, with the hand resting on the little finger. This position allows the wrist to move freely. The wrist should be in a slightly extended posture (bent back), because this brings the thumb in a position where it can comfortably oppose the fingers. There should be a rounded, open web space between the thumb and fingers. This position permits freedom of movement through all finger joints and also allows the finger pads to contact the pencil shaft.

Teach left-handed students to hold their pencils about an inch and a half higher than right-handers, so that they can see over or around their hand; show them how to point their pencil toward their left shoulder. Suggest that they keep their wrists nearly flat against the writing surface, and prevent hooking by instructing students to keep their wrists straight and their elbows close to their bodies. It may be helpful to have a left-handed adult model the appropriate handwriting techniques.

Positioning of Paper

Turn the writing paper to the right, rather than the left. This enables lefties to see their work better, to have better leverage, and to write faster. Each child needs to develop a natural slant that is comfortable with the paper positioned on the left side of the desk in front of the left arm so that the writing flow to the right is easier. Once the best angle of the paper has been identified, a strip of masking tape can serve as a visual reference. If a child has difficulty stabilizing the paper, a blotter or large sheet of construction paper taped to the desk may provide just enough friction to keep the paper from slipping.

Spatial Organization

Begin writing instruction with directional letters, such as F, P, and B, and help left-handed students to produce the most legible letter forms that they can make comfortably. For students who have trouble with spacing, a prompt such as placing a finger between words may serve as a helpful reminder. If a student has trouble remembering to write from left to right, you might run a length of green tape for “Go” along the left side of the desk, and red tape for “Stop” along the right side.

The D’Nealian Handwriting Method has some advantages for the left-handed student. It abandons the stick and ball print script; the letters are made with one line and motion. Tails make it easier to print and facilitate the transition to cursive writing. The system also emphasizes legibility and does not demand that writing slant to the right

Belajar Alphabet untuk tuna netra

Jumat, 19 Desember 2008

CARS belajar Baca

Saat anakku senang CARS, kubuatkan flash card ini sampe Za-Zo ....Scavanger Hunt Cars
cara pakai : selipkan kartu2x ini di bawah bantal, guling, di lemari dia,
suruh dia mencari.....

setelah dapat...kita baca kartu : misal ini "ba"...cari bi.....

lalu setelah itu pasang di white board alat bantu baca tulis..susun huruf sesuai dengan kartu
lalu baca..dan tulis di white board alat bantu baca tulis...
tulis nya dengan mencetak kartu alat bantu baca tulis y......pake spidol yang sudah tersedia

Jumat, 28 November 2008

Idul Adha Story

Ali's Sacrifice

"There! I found the moon," exclaimed six year old Ali to his father.

"Where?" asked Ali’s ten year old brother, Abdullah.

"See that big tree? Its right next to it," replied Ali.

The boys were trying to sight the new moon for the beginning of the Islamic month of Zulhijjah. Eid would be ten days from the day they saw the new moon.

"Oh, I see it now," said Abdullah.

"Daddy, can we go tomorrow to buy a goat?" asked Ali.

"Sure, we’ll go tomorrow after the Zuhr prayer," replied their father.

The next day, all of the boys got in to the car with their father. They were going to the neighboring hills to buy a goat to slaughter on the day of Eid in commemoration of what Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), alayhi salam, did.

"We’re going to bring the goat home this time," said their father, "so you will have to take care of it and feed it. You can also play with it."

"Yahoo! I’ll take care of it," said Ali, "I’ll even teach it tricks!"

The boys and their father finally found a goat and took it home. The next day, Ali woke up early long before the time he used to wake up. He washed and dressed, then went outside to play with the goat. His brothers Usman and Abdullah were already outside playing with the goat.

"Assalamu alaikum," they said together.

"Wa-alaikum as salam," replied Ali.

"We have decided that we will take turns to feed the goat. Everyone will take care of the goat for one day. You can be the first one to feed him," said Abdullah.

"Okay," said Ali, "where is the food?"

"Right here," replied Abdullah, pointing to the food hidden in a corner.

"Make sure, you give him enough water and hay," said Usman.

Ali then called the goat. The goat came to him obediently and ate the food. Then he drank a little water.

The boys kept on taking turns until the Eid day. Many times they took it for walks around their neighborhood. One time, as Abdullah was getting out of his house to go for the Maghrib prayer, the goat followed him. Abdullah then had to force the goat back into the backyard, which the goat resisted very much. The boys started liking the goat very much.

After the Eid prayer, on the Eid day, the family returned home. It was time to slaughter the goat.

"D-d-daddy, why are you going to k-k-kill the goat?" asked Ali, who was nearly crying, as his father sharpened his knife.

"We have to kill him, because Allah has ordered us to," came the reply, "Every Eid-ul-Adha, Muslims all over the world, who can afford, slaughter a goat, sheep, lamb, cow, or camel. Prophet Ibrahim, alayhi salam, was ordered by Allah to slaughter his son as a test. He was about to do that because it was Allah’s order, but then Allah provided him with a ram to slaughter, and Ibrahim, alayhi salam, slaughtered that. As a commemoration of that great sacrifice, Muslims are asked to slaughter an animal. You will also be slaughtering an animal when you grow up."

Ali did not reply but rather watched his father as he slaughtered the goat. Then he ran into the house, because he could not stand watching the goat die.

Abdullah went after him and explained everything to him again that his father had said before. Ali finally understood, but he still seemed sad.

The boys then helped their father in doing the rest of the work. As he kept thinking about it, Ali realized he had just learned the word "sacrifice" now: you give up something you love for a higher purpose. He had become happy now because he knew they had killed the goat because Allah had commanded them to do so. Then he skipped into his house and started helping his mother clear up the meat.

from world of special islam portal

Selasa, 25 November 2008

Cinderella VS Bob the builder Belajar Baca

Duh,...senengnya kalo lagi belajar baca ditemani si Cantik ini
asal Mommynya jangan kalah cantik pasang muka cemberut kalo lagi ngajarin anak..
pasti anaknya lebih suka cinderela dech....

Cara : print, laminating , gunting
bisa jadi bookmarker

min :2 orang
lakukan seperti main kartu ..pakai alat bantu baca tulis, susun kata di white boardnya misal BACA...
lalu masing2x setelah kartu dikocok, ditaruh , ambil satu2x.
misal :belum ada ...masing 2x ambil lagi 1 kartu.
misal : ada satu ( misal BA), pemain yang lain yang belum kontribusi ambil kartu lagi...
begitu seterusnya hingga yang habis duluan kartunya yang menang....
yang kalah nulis..2x di white board alat bantu baca tulis.... :)

download cerita cinderela part1
download cerita cinderela part2
download cerita cinderela part3
download cerita cinderela part4

Kamis, 06 November 2008

kurikulum ABC

Free ebook kurikulum ABC untuk anak 2-4 th.

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

alphabet untuk balita

saya menggunakan ini sejak dia 6 bln, bukan untuk di flash
melainkan di tempel di dinding kamarnya...

Alphabet untuk si Bayi yang baru bisa melihat

ini juga bukan untuk di flash...melainkan di tempel di dinding kamarnya....

kue2x ABC

Meningkatkan minat anak terhadap Alphabet lewat makanan...

Jangan lupa....BELI E-BOOK RESEP ALPHABET untuk anak PICKY EATER......belajar alphabet, lalu menulisnya, kemudian memakannya dengan sehat.

* available : november 2008*
kirim email ke : untuk pemesanan

kalender november

lagu alphabet

senang sekali jika kita membuat anak kita senang dengan jari2x...
sehingga anak senang menulis

Senin, 06 Oktober 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri ( belajar hari ke 5-30)

Puasa dan Lebaran kali ini bertemakan belajar menulis untuk persiapan anak2x sekolah SD kelak...
di zaman komputerisasi , games online seperti sekarang ini, kesenangan menulis kini telah tertinggalkan....benar g?
Anakku ga mau/ga bisa menulis?...No Way ! sudah bukan zamannya lagi .
Belajar Sholat ( paling kecil sendiri pakai baju hijau)

Senin, 08 September 2008

Setiap Pembelian ditambah file sharing

Mana Lebih dulu? MEMBACA atau MENULIS? jawabnya adalah KEDUANYA

sehingga, beli alat bantu baca tulis, sudah include story book
.setiap pembelian alat latihan baca tulis, ada file sharing Worksheet > 100 halaman worksheet

dari yang bisa di print setiap harinya untuk belajar

Minggu, 07 September 2008

Siapa bilang proses belajar menulis tidak bisa dilakukan anak sejak dini

Proses belajar menulis perlu proses yang lama , continue dan mulai sejak dini....

Belajar Meronce


Melatih kekuatan tangan

Sabtu, 06 September 2008

Writing isn't about the SUPER TOOL

If you have already has tool..why your children still won't to write?
writing is complex sistem integrated with eye, motor neuron, hand muscle, etc
find it with me...

Selasa, 02 September 2008

inging mendapat FREE printable tiap hari?

Sampai bulan desember 2008 , akan saya share file setiap hari
join now for free :

Senin, 01 September 2008

Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa(hari 2 belajar)

Nama2x bulan dalam islam

salam buat si kecill.....

special thanks to

you are my partner, not my client

You are the best teacher for your children
not me or somebody else

Let us share here to teach our children
and i need feedback...


Minggu, 31 Agustus 2008

Please, biarkan saya tahu apa yang membuat anak ibu malas untuk menulis

barangkali ada yang mau curhat, mengenai pembelajaran menulis, barangkali ada solusi yang bisa ditawarkan
please let me know your beloved child's name, age, kesukaan /hobby. makanan fav/mainan fav/tokoh fav...or anything else....


Jumat, 29 Agustus 2008

Anakku bingung dengan b, d, p dan q

Dear parents

mungkin ini bisa membantu mengatasinya

thanks for Michele for help

cara pemesanan

Bagi yang mau pesan ,
silahkan transfer IDR 100ribu ke BCA accout PT Basindo Mediatama no rek 272.300.1374

ongkos kirim jakarta 10 ribu
luar jakarta 20 ribu

stlh itu sms ke 0888 192 9073 ;
barang yang dipesan
alamat pengiriman(lengkap beserta kode pos)
no tlp yang bisa dihub

setelah pemesanan GRATIS 300 mega free printable + petunjuk penggunaan


setiap pemesanan tool kit ( alat bantu baca tulis ) dibawah akan ku share beberapa file ku, yang beberapa kubikin sndiri dan beberapa hasil share dengan beberapa rekanku with permission. tapi ini tidak bisa dijual terpisah...karena file ini sebenarnya tidak untuk dijual.
diriku hanya menjual tool kits alat baca dan tulis dibawah dan file share ini hanya alat bantu yang sering kugunakan untuk latihan anakku

ini sebagian contoh saja
aku share setiap pembelian sebelum desember 2008 via email ( siapkan unlimited email ) atau aq bisa copy kan ke CD .

caranya : worksheet ini klik 2x, di print, gunting, lalu dengan tools dibawah dipakai seperti kartu lain kemudian anak kita mencetak diatasnya

sudah punya alat, tapi masih aja tetep ga mau nulis?
aku kasih lebih dari 10 tips mengajarkan anak belajar menulis, poem, songs, dan permainan... setidaknya yang sudah aq praktekkan dengan , pick up the tool kits below RIGHT NOW ! ( tool kits ?->silahkan baca di file latihan tulis dan membaca )

JUAL ALAT BANTU BACA TULIS (Latihan membaca dan menulis)

Barangkali ini yang bisa aku share sama ibu2x
semoga aq dapat juga masukan, apakah aku terlalu dini memberikan stimulus
barang ini memang aq beli jauh hari sebelum anakku mulai bisa menulis
jadi, aq simpan rapi2x.... tahunya tantenya iseng mau ngajarin anakku 2,5 th...dia report ke bilang g pp..asal jangan dipaksain
kemarin, anakku 2,5 demo di depanku memperagakan kebolehannnya mencetak A-Z dan saya terkesima karena cara mencetak abjad anakku sudah mengikuti pola menulis dengan benar
A dari atas turun ke bawah2x, lalu gambar garis di tengah....dan dilakukannya dengan tekun..A_M selanjutnya keesokan harinya N-Z
padahal anakku cow...

well, i can't capture the moment i show...dan aku takjub...ingin rasanya menangis senang dan gembira campur takut....duh,. jangan sampai dia kehilangan kesenangan ini...jangan sampai aku terlalu dini sehingga dia bosan dengan menulis2x meskipun hanya coret2x tak menentu.
aku curhat dengan ibu2x di milis betapa senangnya sekaligus takutnya ...diriku
ternyata usahaku dan adikku ( tante anakku) "berhasil" membuat anakku senang dengan alphabet bahkan menulisnya dengan benar...

this is the tool what i mean
the cost was IDR 100.000 that moment
( isinya : alat tool tsb ( sebenarnya sih bisa bikin sendiri, cuman aq waktu itu penasaran bentuk aslinya seperti apa...), marker, and bag)

sekarang aq jual alat ini berikut dengan metode2x cara-caraku mengajari anakku belajar menulis dan membaca dan free access belajar di website berbahasa inggris yang harus daftar (kalo sendiri) ratusan ribu, sambil belajar menulis dan membaca, gratis free access worksheet printable buat anak2x belajar....

SPecial thanks to Bunda Dewi for help